Write a teaser for this one( Surrender the act of freeing ones self to the truth...)
When one surrenders or submits to the Authority of Yahweh, does this submission liberate or constrict one’s ability to express ones true self? I sort of find the topic laughable, had it not been so dangerous and has cause the breaking away of many to their own self severing devices.
To submit to the authority of Almighty Yahweh is to submit to the very creator of your being. Who knows better as to the purpose of a thing than the creator of it? The perfections and purpose that was envisioned at the time of its conception, only the creator can navigate; and so it is with man.
We have found our way to a place of defiance as we expand our intellect. As we reason with ourselves the lust of our fleshy design, we turn from the purpose of our creation. This turn, this self-indulgence removes us from our perfect design, and shackles us to the gravity of sin.
Sin is defined as not doing that which Yahweh has express to us to do. His laws and commandments….